Sand Castle Winery Bucks County, PA
Candace P. Smolowe, MS, CHT
Spirited Life Coaching
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Phone: 215-815-5011

Email Candace



Candace holds a place of unlimited kindness. Being on a spiritual journey is not always easy and in frustration I find it is all too easy to be hard on myself and often unkind. Around Candace there is a ‘field’ of love and kindness that you feel with your heart. It’s like being wrapped in a warm soft blanket of Love and caring. This kindness and acceptance are an immeasurable comfort and help keep me moving forward on the path I have chosen. I’m also learning to hold this place of kindness for myself.

I missed your wonderful perspective and tough love - no non-sense way of calling me on my attitude. Amazing what a few months without spirit perspective can do to someone!

Kim B.






Living a Spirited Life

                                 can seem Miraculous.


The Course in Miracles states that creating miracles are "the result of removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, … your natural inheritance. “

Love is all encompassing, the substance from which all things are made. Thus, living a Spirited Life is a constant affirmation that you are love, not fear. You remember, every day, every hour, that you were created by something NOT YOU, and that this mysterious, loving and wise potential is available, ALL THE TIME, to help you create the life you desire. This shift in attention to being GRATEFUL for what is offered to you, instead of thinking that you are on your own, will promote freedom of choice, support emotional and physical healing and create over and over, peace within.

You are already everything you've dreamed of

It is simply a process of remembering.

Is this what you do each day?

  • Live each day from gratitude, curiosity, kindness and enthusiasm;
  • Meet life’s challenges with grace and confidence;
  • Acknowledge that you are the creator of your life, just as the Divine created you;
  • Recognize that you are responsible for your sense of well being, connection and purpose;
  • Set realistic goals and achieve them;
  • Create satisfying, creative and passionate relationships;
  • Move beyond what you thought was possible


This is a Spirited Life. 

This is you, creating miracles. 

Every day.


Have the the faith of a child that you are loved,

and the wisdom of an adult that life is a choice.



What Do I Do First?


Check to see if this is your life already: 

YES = You know the power of looking within to deepen your life                              experience:

            You have practices and tools in place to achieve your goals;

            You live in gratitude and service each day.   

NO = Take the following steps:

1.  Commit to a practice of self-exploration and personal accountability.

Identify and release all beliefs, habits and thoughts that keep   you from peacefulness.

Trust in a power greater than yourself to support you.

Oh yes,

2Ask for help if you need it.  You were not meant to do this alone.


A Spirited Life

is a

Commitment to knowing yourself without apology or defense;

Willingness to play with and transform the assumptions and conditioning that have molded you;

Courage to author a life you’ve dreamed of but have never taken the time or initiative to create;

Recognition that finding the right support is essential in manifesting your dreams.


Please browse through our site and become familiar with the concepts, resources and opportunities that are available. See where your attention takes you. And in just doing that, you begin. Where your attention takes you is always the best place to start. This is intuition at play.

Life asks to be changed through you. Get out of the way and let the unconditional and loving energies that created you continue their magic. Joy, abundance, peace and fulfillment are already yours.


Life happens FOR you, not TO you.


If you have any questions, please call me at 215-815-5011, or email me at Thank you for stopping by!



Spirited Life Coaching
Candace Smolowe, MS, CHT Verified | Copyright 2012