Sand Castle Winery Bucks County, PA

Coming soon.

Candace P. Smolowe, MS, CHT
Spirited Life Coaching
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Phone: 215-815-5011

Email Candace


GOOD things!


More motivated at work and making some progress even under the greatest stress in a while.

Been eating just plant based diet for almost three weeks and feeling pretty good.  More energy. Work outs are going well.  Stronger

Loving helping and supporting my daughter in BBall. My son and I are doing better with me leaving him more to himself and not pushing interaction.  Has actually generated better interaction.  

Be well and thanks for what you do!

Robert A.



The following offerings are among those that have helped me personally. Some of them can be learned and practiced in the privacy of your own home. Others require or are better suited to working together. All are available and widely used in the Spirited Life Coaching programs. I encourage you to explore each one, and notice which ones seem to resonate with you.

The Enneagram is based on an ancient spiritual tradition designed to provide humanity with a handbook on how to live from a heightened sense of awareness and purpose. The assessment provides the coach and the student with valuable information about the underlying motivations and fears that may be in place in daily living. The modern day enneagram provides a combination of psychological and spiritual tools designed to raise awareness and generate internal peace of mind.

To take the test at the Enneagram Institute website, or for more information on the Enneagram, click here.   To take the brief "Quest Test",  click here.


There are wonderful support texts in the area of personal growth, awareness and healing. These are the ones that I most often will recommend and sometimes require:

  • The Four Agreements
  • Radical Forgiveness
  • The Grief Recovery Handbook
  • From Heartbreak to Happiness
  • Course in Miracles Introduction
  • Homecoming
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics

"So, like a forgotten fire, a childhood can always flare up again within us." ~Gaston Bachelard

We each have, within us, inner children, created at various emotional and developmental levels throughout our lives. When we give these "sub personalities" a voice, then we begin the extraordinary process of developing the most important relationship we will ever have: a relationship with self.    We provide our inner child with a parent (ourselves) who is compassionate and loving, generous and forgiving, curious and supportive. How we talk to ourselves is the foundation of how we talk to others. How we listen to ourselves is the key to how we listen to others.   Inner Child Dialog encourages full expression of the emotions that have remained outside our conscious awareness but inevitably show up in ways that no longer serve us. 

EFT uses the body’s energy system to relieve anxiety, limiting beliefs and traumatic experience. Through a process of tapping on various energy points in the body, while thinking about a negative thought or belief, the negative energy is released and replaced with positive energy.

For introduction and demonstration of EFT, please click here:  EFT TAPPING


Radical Forgiveness, from the Radical Forgiveness Institute, offers worksheets online and printed that allow the client to express deep seated anger and sadness before shifting to a perspective that recognizes the perfection inherent in each relationship and challenging experience that we have.

These worksheets can change the energetic blueprint of a perspective about a particular event or experience.   To use or print these worksheets, please click here:  RADICAL FORGIVENESS

This extraordinary tool is first used in session, and then is available to the client to help release old patterns of hurt and loss from relationships. Adapted from Grief Recovery work, this process allows the expression of deep feelings and reframes them into personal awarenesses.

Developed by Byron Katie, The Work is available online and printed. It consists of asking 4 basic questions about any distressing belief, and then encourages the client to continue the inquiry on a deeper level.

To learn more, see a demonsration or fill out a worksheet from The Work, please click here: 


Part of the SpiritYOUality process, Y.O.U. (Yearrning, Orientation, Union) supports the client in a three step process of remembering that what they are searching for is already within them, helping them identify and reframe a behavior or belief that limits them, and experiencing the peace that results from the union of remembering our Divine nature while aligning our actions from our Divine nature. 

See SPIRITYOUALITY for more information.

Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Join in groups of 4 to 6 for 6 months, every other week, to develop awareness, in depth personal inquiry and a deeper relationship with the Divine.    As available.   




Spirited Life Coaching
Candace Smolowe, MS, CHT Verified | Copyright 2012