Sand Castle Winery Bucks County, PA

Coming soon.

Candace P. Smolowe, MS, CHT
Spirited Life Coaching
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Phone: 215-815-5011

Email Candace

Candace holds a place of unlimited kindness. Being on a spiritual journey is not always easy and in frustration I find it is all too easy to be hard on myself and often unkind. Around Candace there is a ‘field’ of love and kindness that you feel with your heart. It’s like being wrapped in a warm soft blanket of Love and caring. This kindness and acceptance are an immeasurable comfort and help keep me moving forward on the path I have chosen. I’m also learning to hold this place of kindness for myself.

I missed your wonderful perspective and tough love - no non-sense way of calling me on my attitude. Amazing what a few months without spirit perspective can do to someone!




Candace P. Smolowe, MS, CHT
Spirited Life Coaching

Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Phone: 215-815-5011
Email Candace


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Spirited Life Coaching
Candace Smolowe, MS, CHT Verified | Copyright 2012